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Plastic recovery live tracking

Real-time feed of the data coming into our system from our plastic recovery operations across India, Indonesia, Tanzania, and Cambodia.

Together with our local waste management partners, we are collecting plastic, preventing it from being openly burnt, dumped, and reaching waterways right now. The collection is funded by our amazing brand partners, who are making an impact on the health of our planet.

Proof of work is captured via the CleanHub app at every step of the plastic recovery process. This is how we bring trust and transparency to our operations.

Trust and transparency

This is a real-time feed of the data coming into our system from our Collection Hubs. Each event is proof of plastic being registered, sorted and responsibly disposed of. On average, we receive more than 70 data points a day and all of them include picture proof.

This live feed has been quality checked by our automated anomaly detection software. It will also be manually reviewed by our team. If you spot any issues please let us know.

Events are reports the Hubs send to CleanHub with information on each step of the plastic recovery journey.

Take the first step towards cleaner oceans

No poverty
Decent work and economic growth
Sustainable cities and communities
Life below water
Partnerships for the goals

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